Battlers Green Farm Shopping Village has grown incrementally over the past half-century. Starting with a single farm shop, it gradually expanded to achieve its present complement of a dozen or so highly distinctive stores each included for the special quality it can bring this lovely farmyard shopping village.
Back in 1960 we started out by catering for nearby village residents - a valuable service we still provide in this secluded Hertfordshire locality - but now we also attract visitors from more distant areas. When you are here it is hard to believe that this secluded country location is in fact a mere 15 miles from London’s Marble Arch! People now think nothing of coming to see us from metropolitan areas that are well-served with regular shopping centres.
Quite apart from its ample free parking, the shopping village offers them a unique shopping experience. No exercise in false nostalgia, Battlers Green Farm itself remains a genuine working farm while the shopping village provides a range of first class quality produce, goods and services in one of England’s most pleasant locations.